Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thoughts from Lee

As we near the end of our first week here in Africa, I continue to be amazed but that word does not convey the magnitude of what we are experiencing.  I do not have words to describe it. Anything I write can only provide a small insight
to what this experience has been.  Therefore I will simply say we serve an awesome God who is very much visible in Africa.

When we were planning the trip we thought we were going to be Gods hands and feet in Africa.  How arrogant!! The truth is that Gods hands and feet are already here - here in the heart of a young Masai Christian women whose dream is to become a mid-wife and be able to help her people; two Christian believers who gave their testimony and pray for their husbands salvation; a Christian school that gives hope to disadvantaged children (the favorite children are given the opportunity to attend to the goats and cattle and the hated one is sent to school) and there they experience Gods love, Benjamin, who wants to become a doctor, but instead has to care for his mom and five sisters, a teacher there who is a gifted communicator and pastors a small local church, numerous Christian churches which worship for hours every Sunday, a tent revival meeting
in a small town in Kenya, and many more.

The evil one is also present - present in the Muslims who withhold jobs unless the individual converts, present in the way women are treated, present in the Masai village where men take pride in their polygamy and their medicine man remedies.  Yet even there Gods Word is present.

Yes, Gods hands and feet are here and as Henry Blackaby states,  all we need to do is join Him in His work - that is my prayer.

When we planned the trip we did not have expectations but left it open to experience God's presence and we have not been disappointed. 

We do serve an awesome God!

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