Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 6 Back to Tanzania

Well, it feels good to be completely caught up with our story!  Today was a travel day from Kenya where we spent the last 3 days, back to Arusha, Tanzania.  It was hard to say good-bye to our beautiful accommodations and friends we have met.  The people are so friendly and always smiling! 
The Amboseli Sopa Lodge was very spectacular!  We had a wonderful view of Mt. Kilimanjaro at every meal from our dining room.  These pictures really don't do it justice!! 
As you can see, we did have mosquito nets covering our beds each night.  Honestly, I think it's too chilly for mosquitos but we used the nets just in case!!  We did not have Wifi at this Lodge, hence you're getting so many updates today on the was so quiet and peaceful (no tv and haven't missed it for one second).

This is the outside of our room.  Anne and Lee were right next door.  The electricity goes on every morning at 4:00am and then off at 10:00am.  It then stays off until 6:00pm and stays on until 10:00pm.  Flashlights were provided!  Monkeys were EVERYWHERE!

We took this picture right before we left.  We are standing in front of Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Most of the days it's been covered by clouds, but today it was clear and we could see the top.  Breath taking!

We said good-bye to William, our Kenyan driver.  He had a great personality and spoke really good English (we really appreciate that!).  We had no problems crossing the border and it was 3 hours back to Arusha.

Tomorrow is Sunday for us and Mitch will be preaching twice at 2 different churches.  One from 7:00am-9:00am and the second from 10:00am-1:00pm (that ought to be interesting). Good thing he has been preparing for this trip all of his life!  I can't wait to hear what God has to say through him! 

No mosquito nets tonight!  By the way, we hear Barak Obama is here in Tanzania. Maybe he will be attending the Leadership Conference Mitch is leading on Monday!  One can only hope!


  1. Mom the pictures look beautiful! Is dad missing sports center?? Just kidding. :) love the picture of the 4 of
    You. Looks beautiful. 2 hour sermon from pops will rock the house. Missing you guys so much!!

  2. Yes, Popper.......we have no idea who is winning any golf matches :) Pop will rock the house! I'm excited to experience church in 2 different places!! Hope you are feeling well. It's about time for that maternity leave!! YEP! It's baby time! xoxox Momma
