Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 4 Amboseli National Park

We woke up early (4:00 am) to the chanting going on at the Mosque, nearby.  It was loud (over the speaker) and happened about every hour.  Mitch said this is what he heard when he was in Pontianak but it was much louder there.  The Muslims have their prayer at certain times of the day and they “share” it with everyone around them. 

We had breakfast, took some pictures of our surroundings, and left on a travel day thru the Amboseli National Park on our way to the school we will be visiting in 2 days.  I continue to reflect on our day yesterday with Faith and the incredible work she is doing with her people.  Anne kept using the word “unbelievable.”  For me, the word that comes to mind is “humbled.”  It’s easy to be self-centered and think about how I/we will be coming in to a third world country to make the people’s lives better.  We want to “fix” their situations and bring God to them.  God was there LONG before we got here……….He doesn’t even need us to accomplish His purpose.  We are here to JOIN HIM in the work He is already doing – and believe me, HIS IS DOING A WORK AT THE KAREO CLINIC THRU FAITH! 

Our travel took us on another dirt road.  It wasn’t half as bad as the road to Karero, but it was a bumpy dirt road, none the less!  We traveled about an hour and a half to get to the Amboseli Park Entrance.  The next 5 hours we spent driving around this beautiful Game Park.  We saw all kinds of game and had lunch at an observation point that overlooked the Park and Mt. Kilimanjaro.  It was a bit overcast, so we didn’t get to see the peak of the mountain but it was spectacular.  Most of the animals there are herbivores except for the lions, hyenas, and cheetahs.   We only saw a couple lions and one hyena from a distance (not close enough to take a picture), and we never did see a cheetah.  But we did see elephants, zebras, antelope, baboons, monkeys, hippos, ostrich, and giraffe.  God’s creation……….. SPECTACULAR!

This says it all!  Next stop....Maasai Village....

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