Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thoughts from Anne

At the end of our first week here, I am at a loss for words. (Imagine that!!).  Jami has done such a wonderful job of sharing our thoughts and pictures, I have decided to take a different path.    
God's Other World - Tanzania and Kenya

The Beauty:
Mt. Kilimanjaro, lush green tropical areas, acacia trees, manicured gardens, morning glories, multicolored bougainvillea, God's animal world.     

God's paint brush and color pallet has been here.

The Unexpected:
cell phones and motorcycles everywhere, modern gas stations - "a thousand cars here and gas prices at $7.00 a gallon", cornfields and sunflowers (seeds made into cooking oil), overwhelming number of small Christian churches, herds of
cattle and goats along the highways and remote bush areas, extreme cultural differences, unbelievable numbers of out door markets, bags of homemade charcoal for sale stacked along the roads.

The People:
warm, friendly, welcoming, beautiful, smiling, fearful eyes, many cultures - Muslims, Maasai and different African tribes, each displaying their traditional garb and life styles.

Sight's That Touch One's Soul:
extreme poverty, living conditions, a sign reading "Tanzania for Tanzania Wealth of the world", babies carried on mothers backs for warmth and comfort, small children's laughter and innocence.. people with so little being so grateful.

Mile after mile of slum like conditions, heavy auto traffic, hundreds and hundreds of pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, outside markets, woman carrying wares on their heads, children following after....

This is God's other world, and HE IS HERE.


  1. Beautifully written! I am able to see a wonderful picture:)

  2. I can almost picture it in my mind :). Keep the great posts coming!
