Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 5 Maasai Church

After we left the school, we went to visit a Maasai church.  The Pastor of the church was none other than GEORGE from the school!  Yes, another dirt road and back into the village we went.  What you see in this picture is their church. 

We went inside and it had backless wood benches and some openings for air to blow through.  Along with Pastor George, Pastor James joined us.  The Maasai people speak Maasai and that's the language James he ended up interpreting for George who speaks Swahili who interpreted for Mitch!  Now I haven't seen a double interpretation before and it was SOMETHING!

First, Pastor George explained to the people why we were there and then invited them to give their testimony to us.  EACH person there (there were only 5 people there...1 man and 4 women) stood up and gave testimony to their life in Jesus Christ.  The 1st two women told us that their husbands were not believers so we laid hands on them and prayed for their husbands by name.  It was so amazing!

Then Mitch stood up and gave a Word and it was also amazing.  He shared Acts 6 as a word of encouragement.  It's the story of a conflict in the early church that arose over the distribution of food to widows.  The story really emphasizes two important things:  one, church leadership must stay focused on prayer and the ministry of the Word.  And two, laity needs to step up and serve in strategic roles to bring glory to God.  The Church being the Church!

Lastly, Anne stood up and lead us in Jesus Loves Us This I Know AND THAT WAS AMAZING.  Remember that word, unbelievable?  You are going to hear it over and over!

When we were finished, the women wanted to give us a gift.  Each came and put beads around our necks.  It was very humbling.  Anne and I decided we would do the same and took our cross necklaces off and gave them to the women we prayed over.  Then we gave our earrings to the other two woman. 


These beautiful children below, sat in the back and didn't say a peep!  His Hands and Feet in the Maasai Village! 

Tomorrow we will travel back to Arusha, Tanzania and try to reconcile everything we've seen and heard so far!  It's nice to have WiFi again...thanks for being patient!


  1. This post made me cry mom. They are so humble and greatful to have you there being the hands and feet of God!! Can't imagine what it is like for them. Love the song Anne picked out. Such an amazing experience

  2. Awwww......I'm glad you can feel some of what we experience! It's so hard to describe everything! The testimonies of the people were absolutely priceless! They didn't hesitate to stand and give witness for their faith! Love you!
