Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 1 - Planes, Trains, & Automobiles...

Day 1:  June 23, 2013 – 10:00am (California time)

It’s hard to believe this day has arrived!  We (Mitch & I (Jami)) woke up early (well, I did….5 AM is sleeping in for Mitch).  We were both feeling a little nervous/anxious.   This is the longest we have ever been away from our kids…..oh, and the farthest!  Thank goodness for modern technology which allows us to communicate from across the world?  Jenna is about 5 weeks away from her delivery date, Jaycee is moving to Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks, Jonah just started a new job, and Jordan is on the mend from a broken hamate bone in his wrist.  I guess one can never turn off the MOTHER switch completely!  I wouldn’t want to, even if I could.  I am the most blessed woman alive!

We were able to check in 200 lbs. of medical supplies for the clinics we are visiting…..AND at no charge!  It seems as though God is already at work behind the scenes.  No surprise there!  It’s a 4 hour flight to Detroit (we are in the air right now), an 8 hour flight to Amsterdam, and another 8 hours flight to Kilimanjaro.  We will arrive to our final destination in about 24 hours. 

I (Anne) too feel so blessed. Just knowing that we are given this opportunity to serve in this way is overwhelming. I pray God’s presence will be felt in all circumstances; wherever we go, with whom ever we meet and the new world we are about to experience. I am at peace knowing He is with us. (Maybe a little snooze is in order).

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