Friday, July 12, 2013

Final Thoughts from Anne

Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to see God. This time it was to travel 10,000 miles to east Africa. Here, His presence is evident. He opened our eyes and our hearts through His work here. We experienced His people, their different life styles; His different ways of worshipping, different scenery, His different animal kingdom, and different foods to sustain us.
We felt His protection, His love, His provision, at every turn.  His comfort, His healing, and we saw His miraculous power at work here 10,000 miles away.
As was written in the blog before by our team, "we came to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but His hands and feet were already here." His footprints and handprints abound and our job is to join Him and follow in them. The opportunities for us to serve are numerous. We just need to be open, listen and trust God to direct  us to  the ones that will bring Him all the glory.
Not only was God present in all I have mentioned, but He was present in the relationships we experienced with His people in Tanzania and Kenya and the "new friends" we have made.
My prayer on day one of the blog was "I pray God's presence will be felt in all circumstances; wherever we go, with whomever we meet and the 'new world' we are about to see." PRAYER ANSWERED....To summarize my thoughts about this trip,  "Some times you have to leave your comfort zone to see God."

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